Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Well that was short and sweet ...

That had to be the shortest unemployment in the history of me. Acme let me go on the first of this month, and I've been offered a job at New Look today :D So I start on Saturday.

In other news, I've done a new design:

Repurposeful Suncatcher

I've named it Repurposeful Suncatcher, because almost everything in it has been re-purposed. It measures just over a foot long, and consists of gems and beads hanging from, and held together by, chain and twisted steel wire. The blue glass beads and steel wire are new, but the other components are not. The purple plastic beads were originally part of a bracelet, and the chain and faceted plastic gems were re-purposed from this belt:

Gem Belt

It's not available on Etsy, (it's been given to a bricks and mortar shop) but something very similar will be soon. I also have a few other suncatchers similar to it. Click the image to go to those, and my other suncatchers:



Abi B said...

oooh like it.!!!

Jennifer Rose said...

congrats on the job!

that sun catcher is really pretty!

lostintheforest said...

Congratulations on the job!

love the suncatcher :)

KMCdesigns said...

Well done on the job! Liking the sun catcher too!

Wychbury said...

Hiya - Love the suncatchers!
We just joined blogger today and found you - Lesley bought a bat from you on Etsy a while back, she lives in Halesowen. Well you won't believe this but I worked at Acme Jewellery for Three years 1989-1992! (I live in West Yorkshire now) Congratulations on the new job anyway.

Paula x

Sneddonia said...

Wychbury, I only just noticed your comment! I noticed someone local had bought one of my things, which I thought was ace :D And you worked at Acme? No way :O Wish I still did :P