I went for an interview yesterday, for a Jewellery Assembler job at a place called Acme Jewellery. (No, Wile E. Coyote is not one of their customers.) I didn't really know what to expect, as I've never had an interview for that sort of job. I've had so many interviews for retail jobs, so I pretty much know what to do there, but this was different. So I didn't know how to prepare, which made me nervous. Luckily, my enthusiasm for the job must've shown through, because I got it! It was an interesting interview, because they not only interviewed me, they also took me into one of the workshops and showed me what they did. I did a bit of soldering and whatnot, then they asked me a few more questions. Questions like "Could you start on Monday?" To which, I of course said yes! I'm so happy, since jewellery making is my dream job :D
Recently, I also managed to list the last of my ACEOs:

Which are, of course, for sale in
my DaWanda shop.